To be able to write is to be able to dream, and a dream is the doorway to ones own mind.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

My "logo"

I wrote my signature on to a piece of paper and scanned it into the computer then opened it in photoshop.
I changed the hue of the scan into a light blue so that I could see the lines of the pen tool easily. I went over the lines with the pen tool using bevier curves.

When I had finished going over the signature with the pen tool, I used the stroke function. This picture is the stroke function without simulate pressure ticked

This is the version of the logo where I checked 'simulate pressure' in the stroke option of the pen tool

I placed both versions of my logo into adobe illustrator and made a live trace of it in the option sub menu. From there, I chose a font which I thought would contrast with the style of my signature.
I chose to use my signature as i felt that was the most natural route for my logo for its what i sign all my with and will continue to do so. Therefore i felt like a specially designed logo wasnt practical or ideal to use on paintings or drawings and i have already used my signature to sign work so i felt it was best to stick with it.

(I would also like to add a thank you to Jessica Palmer for her help using photoshop)

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